The Trouble With Truth Hardback $24.99 USD







I remember when I was born.

When the water all around me was troubled, there came a shift in the accepted perspective of things. I remember trying to comprehend this thing that was fast approaching me in the water. I was curious. My eyes opened. What caused my eyes to open? I couldn't tell if my eyes opened because curiosity was pushing on me or because of the sudden awareness of light interrupting my familiar darkness. I was agitated.

The thrust coming upon me in the water forced me to choose. That was it! I had to choose. I had to choose the light or the darkness. The light was life. The darkness was death. I chose the unfamiliar. I chose the light. I chose life. I was born. The troubled water forced me from darkness into light.

I remember I breathed in the familiar peace that was with me in the water. The peace that protected me in the darkness cocooned me in the water.

What happened?